A Simple, Affordable Solution for Maintenance Management

As the IT Manager for your company, you need to ensure the software used by the maintenance department adheres to your security protocol. But you don’t want to spend time every day helping team members figure out how to use difficult or complex software. You need to find the ideal middle ground between robust and easy to use. CMMS can be that solution.
I am an IT Manager

The Maintenance Management Software You’ve Been Looking For

As the person in charge of IT for your entire facility, you have a lot going on at all times. You don’t want to be spending a lot of time in your day helping the maintenance department use difficult or complicated software. Not only will it cause you a lot more work, but the maintenance technicians might become frustrated and uncertain about switching from paper/email to something that doesn’t work for them.

But, you’ve been tasked to find a maintenance management software – not to stay with paper. So what can you do? You can get simple, user-friendly SaaS solution. The SaaS model is a great choice for you, because it doesn’t require any server configurations, and if you choose a user-friendly CMMS like Maintenance Care, the techs won’t have any trouble using it either.

And did we mention it’s also very affordable? Our Enterprise Edition software costs less than you think, and it will  be able to provide you with the features your company needs.

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Finding a Balance Between User-Friendly and Robust Software

You know that you need to find a CMMS that is easy to use for the maintenance department, but you also need to find one that does everything your facility needs it to do. Here’s how to find the best balance:

Real Life CMMS: Creating a Simple Process that Works

See how Kensington Health Care Centre was able to use CMMS to improve the efficiency of its facility maintenance management process and provide better information for quality improvement and safety issue tracking purposes.

How can Mobile CMMS Make Maintenance Management Even Simpler?

You’re looking for a SaaS solution for maintenance management that will be simple and effective for the maintenance team to use. With our CMMS mobile app using software on-the-go has never been simpler.

Preventative Maintenance: The Simple Key to Organization

Easy, effective preventative maintenance scheduling will organize and improve efficiency in your department (and your life).

Improve Maintenance Productivity and Increase Your ROI

You need to make sure you’re running an efficient facility with the best possible ROI. The maintenance department is an often-untapped area for improvement.